use map tool to get the label of the selected feature

06-17-2021 03:42 AM
New Contributor II


Hello everyone, I have encountered some problems on gis pro. I want to use maptools to get the label name of the currently selected feature, but I can only get the collection of the feature layer label class.


1 Reply
通过 金宝搏吧

In case you use the 'default' label option and not an expression the following maptool should work:

内部类SelectLabel : MapTool { public SelectLabel() { IsSketchTool = true; SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Rectangle; SketchOutputMode = SketchOutputMode.Map; } protected override Task OnToolActivateAsync(bool active) { return base.OnToolActivateAsync(active); } protected override async Task OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry) { var labels = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { // use the geometry to make a new selection var selectionSet = MapView.Active.SelectFeatures(geometry, SelectionCombinationMethod.New, true, true); if (selectionSet.Count == 0) return "nothing selected"; // Layer of interest - use only the first layer in the collection // for this example. You can search for specific layer using Linq var selectedFeatureLayer = selectionSet.Keys.FirstOrDefault() as FeatureLayer; // Get the selected Oids var oids = selectionSet[selectedFeatureLayer]; // get the CIM definition from the layer var cimFeatureDefinition = selectedFeatureLayer.GetDefinition() as ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBasicFeatureLayer; // get the view of the source table underlying the layer var cimDisplayTable = cimFeatureDefinition.FeatureTable; // this field is used as the 'label' to represent the row var displayField = cimDisplayTable.DisplayField; // collect all var sb = new StringBuilder(); // search for all selected object ids using (RowCursor rowCursor = selectedFeatureLayer.Search(new QueryFilter() { ObjectIDs = oids })) { // Iterate through the selected features var labelFieldIndex = rowCursor.FindField(displayField); while (rowCursor.MoveNext()) { using (var row = rowCursor.Current) { // Get the label field value var labelForFeature = row[labelFieldIndex].ToString(); sb.AppendLine($@"oid: {row.GetObjectID()} label: {labelForFeature}"); } } } return sb.ToString(); }); MessageBox.Show(labels); return true; } }

If the layer's label is defined by an expression (i.e. Arcade) there is no solution at this point. However, the Pro Dev team is working on providing script evaluation to the API in one of the upcoming releases.